Voskhod horse breeding plant
Voskhod HBP dates back to 1920, when as a result of the nationalization of property, Kuban-Black Sea HBP was established on the basis of the estate of Prokopy Nikolayenko. In 1924, it was renamed into Voskhod.
Since 1932, the plant started breeding the English thoroughbred riding horses. Smart breeding work served the plant’s glory allowing to appear such stallions as Granite-2. Granit became the champion in its breed at the Agricultural Exhibition 1939 in Moscow. In 1946, another well-known name appeared at the plant - Grog-2, and in 1961 - Anilin. The latter had no rivals at the hippodromes of the United States, Europe and the Soviet Union. Together with Nikolai Nasibov, the stallion became the winner of the Prize of Europe in Cologne three years in a row. It won 21 victories out of 27 races in which it participated. Many owners of other horse plants tried to buy the stallion. But Anilin, after finishing the race career, remained as a breeder at the plant.
Stallions from Voskhod were bought by the German, Hungarian and domestic horse breeding plants to improve the breed. In 1967, for outstanding service and hard work, the plant was awarded the order of the Red Banner of Labor. In January of 1988, the plant became self-sufficient, then it was incorporated, the 51% of shares belong to the state. Currently, the plant gets its income from the sale of foals; charges private horse-owners who bring their thoroughbred mares to be covered by high-class stallions-studs, takes part in the races on the hippodromes of the country, wins prizes, cups, diplomas.
Official site of horse breeding plant "Восход" www.kzv.su
Author: Edition
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