
Images of a horse and a rider in Viktor Vasnetsov's paintings
At all times, horses were valued very highly, particularly war horses - faithful companions of Russian heroes, defenders of the Fatherland. Horses have been sung about in folk songs, depicted on the canvases of great artists.

Timiryazev Museum of Horse Breeding
The Horse Breeding Museum was opened in Moscow in 1929. Its equestrian exhibition is truly unique and has no analogues in the world. That's why among the visitors coming to admire it, there are not only people from Russia but also foreign visitors.

Image of a horse in the russian painting: Kozma Petrov-Vodkin
The image of a horse in the Russian art was poignant with meaning since the ancient times. In the figurative-poetic structure of the Slavic mythology, a horse was a mentor and savior of a man, it was a horse-destiny each step of which meant a lot.

Horse paintitng by George Stubbs
George Stubbs is one of the world's most famous artists-animalists. As an artist with Biology background, Stubbs perfected the depiction of animals from a scientific point of view. In addition to painting, Stubbs was the author of a number of famous works including the book Horse Anatomy published in 1766.

Vasily Vatagin - creator of watercolor images of primitive horses
The State Darwin Museum exhibits are amazing. The museum houses a unique collection of works of the Soviet artists-animalists dedicated to the evolution of horses. The most notable of these are the works of Vasily Vatagin.